Accredited LifeCare Coach Training

Help others forge purpose and overcome adversity.

What is a LifeCare Coach?

LifeCare Coaches help people make progress in life and business to attain greater fulfillment.  LifeCare coaches help clients improve their relationships and careers and gain greater satisfaction in their day-to-day lives. Clients identify the obstacles holding them back, come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle, and rely on you to help them implement those strategies over time. 

Is Coaching For You?

Do you want to serve others and create a meaningful impact now?

Do your career, faith, and life experience already have you in a position to help others grow, and you're passionate about it, but sometimes you're not sure how to help people take the next steps? 

Are you ready to set aside a little time each week to learn faith-based, research-informed skills to become a successful, professionally accredited Life Coach? 

How does training work?

LifeCare course involves training with a cohort of others and leads to Professional Life or Executive Coach Accreditation with the Association for Coaching.

By the completion of training, you will have developed a greater awareness of your values and an increased competency in coaching, caring for, and leading others. 

Professional Coach Training that is Practical, Accessible, and Affordable.

LifeCare Coach Training equips you to help others unlock their full potential.

Whether you are working in private practice as a Coach, helping develop those you lead, or caring for others in a volunteer role there is a life care training for you.  

  • In-person and self-paced options are available.

  • $1,999 per person

  • Accredited by the internationally recognized Association for Coaching

Developed greater awareness of your values and an increased competency in coaching,

Request additional information on Professionally Accredited Coach Training

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What Graduates are Saying...

"I'm often the one helping others. The training gave me a chance to talk to someone about my own life who wasn't there to judge me or fix me. It helped me grow, and made me want to help others grow as well."

Course Graduate

"Even in the first session, I started to learn how important it was to not try to fix people, to not try to give them the answers, but to bring them to the place where they can understand that there is an answer, and that nothing they've done is too much to separate them from God, or a healthy restorative life."

Course Graduate

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Get the training you need.