You Can Do It

People who feel called to coaching often hesitate to jump in because they feelunderqualified to help clients work through problems and achieve goals for a fee. It’s one thing to do it in an informal volunteer setting, but another thing to put your bio up on a website, advertise your coaching services, and believe that you are providing enough value to clients that they will invest financially to work with you in a structured way. 

This worry—often referred to as imposter syndrome—is pretty common. People feel like they’re not good enough, not smart enough, not educated enough—just “not enough”—to coach others. Indulged long enough, these thoughts and feelings can undermine our confidence until they become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Imposter syndrome for coaches is predicated on the lie that extensive graduate-level training alone is what qualifies someone. True, quality training is important, but it’s not the only factor that leads to success as a coach. Life experience is also a huge factor, and this is where coaches have an edge. 

People often feel called to coach a little later in life. They’ve had career experience and may have expertise in other fields. On top of that, personally they may have been through some ups and downs. They’ve built things – be it companies or families.  Some have raised/are raising kids or grandkids. Some have experienced marriage, divorce, remarriage and blended families. Some have seen addiction or anxiety first hand. They’ve experienced loss of some kind, gone through transitions, dealt with difficult relationships, and confronted serious personal and professional challenges. They’ve had some victories, and some failures. 

These experiences can increase emotional intelligence and the ability to empathize with others. They also come with particular skill sets – both professional and personal – that can be infused into coaching techniques and methodologies, informing the niche of clients for which they are a fit. And all that translates to coach-client rapport, which research shows is one of the main ingredients in coaching success across all coaching methodologies. 

If bringing all that you are into a coaching career where you can help others overcome obstacles and become all they were created to be, then I urge you find a coach training program and get in the game. Now more than ever, the world needs you

I recommend you shop for a program that is accredited by a third-party coaching regulatory body, which ensures industry training and ethics standards are met. I also recommend you choose a program that offers support through the process of accreditation and opportunities to gain coaching experience over time in a supportive team environment. 

We offer such a program at The Forward Foundation. However, we also encourage you to find the program that’s right for you. Don’t wait – get started today.  Your future clients are waiting for you!