Trudy Loofs

Seeing people discover newfound joy in their lives and relationships has sparked my passion for life coaching. I believe every person to be capable of living a richly abundant life (John 10:10). It is my mission to help others navigate the path to claim this reality for themselves.

I am naturally an empathetic and trustworthy individual and have had the privilege of walking closely with others through times of great trial and distress. In this life there will be struggles, however, I genuinely believe that God does not want us to walk through these seasons alone.

No matter where you find yourself today, I would welcome the chance to help you rewrite your story and claim the abundance that God has purposed for you.

As a wife, mother, and experienced marriage coach, I understand the challenges that accompany the demands of the many roles we play as women. I provide a safe place to unpack the realities of the present and identify direction and life patterns to assist you in moving forward. Over the years, God has allowed me to witness incredible transformation in the lives of those he has placed in my path. I have a vast array of experience leading and developing people, including children, teens, and women of all ages. I would consider myself blessed to journey with you through whatever season you find yourself to a place of increased peace, fulfillment, and joy.

About Me:

  • Married 33+ years
  • Mother to 4 boys and 3 daughters-in-law
  • Advanced LifeCare Coach Training Graduate
  • Certified in SYMBIS and SYMBIS+
  • Certified Adventures in Marriage (AIM) Instructor
  • 8+ years of marriage enrichment programs and offering coaching to couples in crisis
  • 10+ years leading women in personal discipleship and mentoring relationships
  • 6+ years equipping ministry leaders
  • Educator with 15+ years classroom experience
  • Certification in early childhood development

Contact Information:

  • For your convenience, I offer meetings in person, via videoconference, and phone.
  • Clients can book a complimentary confidential intake session with me to determine whethercoaching will meet your needs.
  • To book a consult or appointment with me, please book via Calendly:

Client Testimonials:

Meeting with Trudy has been such a wonderful blessing during some of the most difficult and vulnerabletimes of my life. She is faithful, wise, and quite frankly, an answer to prayer. Trudy gave me a safe andcherished space to talk and process a range of topics that were afflicting me and my relationships.The encouragement Trudy provided was essential to my growth. She was able to help me identify mycore issues that I struggled with and gave insight into how I could work through those to become ahealthier individual. Through her guidance I was able to recognize God’s love for me and the hope thatHe offers. I have the utmost respect for her knowledge, her discipline to hold me accountable, herwillingness to go above and beyond, and her love for helping others grow in God’s love.

--LB, Leander, TX

I started meeting with Trudy when my husband and I were seeking healing for some broken areas of our marriage. From the time we first met, I have benefitted from her wisdom, intentional listening, and accountability. Trudy patiently allowed me to speak earnestly with her, but always guided me back to a place of healing. The most prominent skill set she displays is her ability to listen, absorb, and then gently respond with words that are rooted in wisdom. When we first began meeting, I couldn't have predicted that she would also come alongside me during some of the most grievous moments of our lives when my husband and I experienced health challenges and consecutive miscarriages within a short amount of time. During this time, Trudy greeted me with agreat display of empathy and warmth. I'm so thankful that the Lord had already placed her in my life,offering a safe place to share while providing comfort and encouragement in my journey as a wife, mother, and friend. 

--CR, Cedar Park, TX

Any good marriage takes active investment to maintain it, as well as focused effort to clean out the weeds and give it the food and light it needs for keeping it alive. This also requires finding and putting into service new tools to meet obstacles head on. One of these tools is the guidance from wise counselors. We have met with Rick and Trudy many times to seek this counsel and help us overcome struggles that we were facing that could have taken us down. Over the course of the last 3 years, Rick and Trudy have been faithful to listen, speak, share, and pray with us. They have given us their time to help our marriage be where it is today. They have also shared their own experiences to give us different perspectives we may have been missing.  With their help, we are in a thriving marriage now that we believe can get over any hurdle when it comes, and if needed we know we can call on them again.Rick and Trudy's example of how to serve and lead, specifically in marriage, are something we use as guiding lights in our marriage and service to others. 

--R&H, Cedar Park, TX

My husband and I were introduced to the Loofs at a critical juncture in our marriage. I considered theircoaching a last resort for our relationship and was not optimistic about the likelihood of a successfuloutcome. It only took a few weeks before Rick and Trudy had earned my trust through their incrediblepatience and unbiased guidance. At every turn, they were fair but firm, giving us actionable takeawaysand holding us accountable. They modeled the kind of behavior that my husband and I were desperatelyin need of ourselves, and as weeks turned into months, we were finally able to have constructiveconversations and lay the groundwork to move forward in our marriage. That was almost five years ago,and today our marriage is not only intact, but also better than its ever been, and we routinely draw onthe teachings we learned from the Loofs.

--EL, Cedar Park, TX