Sabrina Stolle

In many ways, life is about choices. We get to choose some of them and others, we don’t. At birth, we don’t get to choose the hand of cards we are dealt: our family, our country, economic circumstances, strengths and weaknesses. As time passes, unexpected circumstances and events often come our way: illness, loss of a job or a dream, or death of a loved one, just to name a few. However, we DO get to choose how we respond to these varying challenges and use them to forge a path forward! As a Life Care Coach, my hope is to help you find that path.

Life is also about movement. In my own experience, God has blessed me with people to help me move to the other side of my struggles and use my life experiences and gifts to make a way forward. By identifying and changing thought patterns that were fueling my anxiety and depression, I have moved towards peace and hope. My faith in God has helped me understand that my identity and worth as a person are rooted in Him and moved me to a deeper place of security and peace. My failures and seasons of hardship have given me better self-awareness and developed my empathy for others. My challenges have also given me opportunities to learn new ways of approaching life and receive love and acceptance from others. As a mother of three grown daughters, I have listened to and walked alongside them to help them move forward in the midst of life’s difficulties. As a teacher I have learned to help others take one step at a time towards their goals and celebrate big and small victories along the way. As a Life Care Coach, I am here to help you get from where you are today to where you want to be in the future. By providing a safe and judgment free space for you to process your thoughts and feelings, we can work together to identify barriers to your goals and utilize your unique strengths and experiences to move forward.

In our work together, we will create a tailor made strategy to help you take your next steps. This may include using behavior strategies, cognitive behavioral work, emotional regulation, building self awareness or healing relationships. We will use the tools that work best for your personality, experiences and goals. Life is not fair and often very difficult. But I believe that God is good and there is a way to the other side of our disappointments, regrets and disillusionment. The path will take courage, honesty and patience, but I am here to guide your journey.

About Me:

  • Advanced LifeCare Coach Training Course Graduate
  • Organizational member of the Association of Coaching
  • Parent Coach for Family Restoration Coalition
  • 30+ years leading small group Bible studies
  • BA in Mathematics from the University of Texas
  • 20+ years experience teaching secondary math
  • Former ESL teacher
  • Former Missionary
  • Married 30 years, Mother of 3 daughters, Nana to one granddaughter

Contact Info:

  • For your convenience, I offer meetings in person, via video conference, and phone.
  • Clients can book a free 15-minute confidential consult with me to determine whether coaching will meet your needs.
  • To book a consult or appointment with me, call the Forward Foundation office at 512-829-3969, or email an appointment request to