Equipping individuals and organizations 
to meet the need for care

The need is great.

Millions struggle with loneliness, anxiety, relational problems, trauma, grief, and more.

These issues lead to depression, anxiety, addiction, suicidality, codependency, family breakdown, violence, and untold human suffering that results in billions of dollars of social cost and lost productivity. 

LifeCare is a faith-based, research-informed approach to equipping individuals and organizations to meet the growing need for care in our world.

Equipping those with a desire to care.



Internationally recognized coach training.

Church Staff

Church Staff

Discounted coaching and counseling for church staff.

Organization Leadership

Organization Leadership

Care training for organizational leaders.

Care Teams

Care Teams

Training to launch or enhance a care ministry.

Marriage Leaders

Marriage Leaders

Strong Marriages. Strong Families. Strong Communities.

Providing affordable care to church staff

LifeCare Essentials

Balancing ministry and life is challenging.  Many of our coaches and counselors have served as missionaries and church leaders.

Research shows coaching  increases job satisfaction and reduces turnover.

To help ministry leaders thrive at their mission and in their personal life we offer discounted counseling and coaching to churches registered with the Forward Foundation.  

Training leaders to provide care.

OnDemand LifeCare Training

Caring leaders are natural confidants.  People in need often turn to compassionate leaders they respect in times of need.     

LifeCare Basics provides organizational leaders with faith-based, researched, informed skills to provide front-line emotional and relational care to those they lead.  

LifeCare Basics is an affordable, self-guided online training to equip leaders to care for those they serve. 

Partnering with churches to provide care.

Classroom Care Training

People look to outreach ministries and churches in times of need. 

A care ministry provides a safe place for those struggling in your community.  

LifeCare Training equips organizations with trained teams to serve their communities. 

Elevating marriage across Austin.

Marriage Ministry Development

Healthy marriages are the foundation of strong families and communities.

The Forward Foundation launched the Austin Marriage Initiative to increase the availability of relationship education and support across the city.

Equipping individuals to care for others.  

Life Coach Accreditation

Some people are passionate about helping others grow. We provide affordable, internationally recognized coach certification to equip those individuals with faith-based, research-informed skills to help others. 

It is our passion to connect those with a desire to care with those needing care.

The need is great!

     We can do this together.