Kristen Tolander

Have you ever hiked a path that went on for what seemed like forever? The muscles in your legs are screaming. Your breath is about gone. You begin to question if what you believe is at the top of the climb is really even worth the climb? Will it match the picture on the brochure that seems so perfect? Life is like that sometimes. I know it has been for me! In those times, there are choices— choices we think we’re aware of but haven’t yet taken action, and choices that we haven’t yet discovered but that really are available if we can just identify them.

But then comes another reality—all choices have consequences, so which one is the best? Who is going to help you sort the choices? Is there a safe and confidential place to process your struggle? A place where you can safely put voice to thoughts and behaviors you don’t want others to hear or know about?

I would like to partner with you to help you process whatever it is that is challenging you. I’m passionate about walking with women who are ready to do the work of self-discovery. I’ve been working with women of all ages for over 6 years now. Sometimes we discover that we can actually give ourselves permission to get off one path and embrace a better one. Sometimes we find better skills to help us go the distance. You can learn valuable skills for dealing with nagging thoughts, emotional roller coasters, self-doubt, anxiety, self-defeating behaviors, lack of boundaries/limits, and more. Don’t struggle in isolation. Investing in this process, and it is a process, is sure to guarantee a result of being able to enjoy this journey called life with more freedom and authenticity. I’ll work with you for your best and we will celebrate victories together!

About Me:

  • Married 32 years – mother to 2 sons & 2 daughters
  • BA in Communications & Theatre Arts
  • Advanced LifeCare Coach Training Course Graduate
  • Organizational member of the Association for Coaching
  • Master’s in Biblical Counseling
  • Over 38 years experience in recovery
  • Over 10 years experience in recovery leadership through Power to Choose, Steven’s Ministry, & CR
  • 30 years’ experience in Women’s, Youth, & Teen ministries
  • Telecommunications Consulting & Project Mgmt. business owner for 5 years

Contact Information:

  • For your convenience, I offer meetings in person, via video conference, and phone.
  • Clients can book a free 15-minute confidential consult with me to determine whether coaching will meet your needs.
  • To book a consult or appointment with me, call the Forward Foundation office at 512-829-3969, or email an appointment request to