Cathy Harris

I am passionate about helping women to find purpose and meaning in their lives and to be able to pursue their calling. Whatever stage of life you are in, I would love to support you as you deal with the difficulties and joys that you encounter.  I have had to overcome many obstacles in my life such as emotional and mental abuse, betrayal in marriage, widow of espousal suicide, sexual abuse, depression, loneliness, and codependency.  

Now I live with freedom, joy, and purpose.  I am confident that you also can gain skills to obtain healthy relationships, peace, joy, and contentment.  No matter what you are struggling with, together we can come up with strategies to overcome any hurt, habit, or hangup.  It would be my joy to journey with you as you reach your goals of health and healing.

About Me:

  • Mother to two amazing sons and grandmother to two adorable grandchildren
  • LifeCare Coach Training Course Graduate
  • Organizational member of the Association for Coaching
  • Training in Enneagram Types
  • Leader in Recovery ministry for 15 years
  • Bachelor of Science in Special Education
  • Teacher and Academic Language Therapist in private schools for 17 years
  • Multiple years of experience in leadership within Women’s Ministries