ATELES Online Writing Workshop

ATELES Online Poetry Workshop

April 28th, 3:00-4:30 pm

Discover new insight & new momentum & have a great time!

  • Enjoy a break from your daily life during this 90-minute online workshop & engage in a range of compelling writing exercises that will get you flowing
  • Use words to play with mood, tone, pace, style, imagery, metaphor, emotion, & more

  • Whether you want to try something new or have been writing poems for years, this special workshop is a perfect way for you to celebrate April Poetry Month!

  • Take the time & space you deserve to be creative


  •  3:00-3:15 pm - Getting Going – Introduction & Workshop Start
  •  3:15-4:00 pm – Getting Flowing –  Guided Writing Exercises & Poetry Prompts
  •  4:00-4:30 pm – Getting Insight & Feeling Good –  Read-backs (optional) & Révérence

Register Now

  • Only 25 Seats Available
  • $5 for April's featured workshop
  • Register by clicking "Buy Now" below

***Be sure to fill out the billing information section on the payment page – including your email address, so we can email you a registration confirmation and any pertinent workshop updates.***